"How Does Your Emotional Health Affect Your Spiritual Maturity?
Borrowing from our message series on the Last Days, a basic tenet: “As things heat up and reality sets in, all of our emotional/spiritual problems will be magnified.” Simply put, whatever unfinished emotional and spiritual business we have crawling around our souls will very easily grow from manageable to overwhelming. While this seminar was originally slated to be offered again in the fall of 2020, we sensed an urgency. fueled by the strong uptick in current events as many have experienced, that resulted in a marked increase in struggles with anxiety, peace, resentment and many of the other issues that we cover.
Pastor Dean of FCC and Pastor Brad Smith, (Lifechange Fellowship here in Tillamook) teamed up during quarantine to present this popular series in an interactive online environment from late April to mid-June 2020. Posted here are the video recordings of the sessions, as well as the downloadable resources that were offered to the students. In addition to our original study, Pastor Brad is opening with a new 4-week segment entitled, “Living In The God Zone.” You’ll finding healing from the deep wounds of your past plus equipping with tools and skills to live in freedom and clarity for the days ahead! Video Downloads
Session 1 - "Living In The God Zone - Part 1" - Pastor Brad Smith - 4/27/20
https://youtu.be/40BJhZo_fko Session 2 - "Living In The God Zone - Part 2" - Pastor Brad Smith - 4/30/20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=grCDU3Zib6k&t=767s Session 3 - "Living In The God Zone - Part 3" - Pastor Brad Smith - 5/4/20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDMSqxmgbh8&feature=youtu.be Session 4 - "Living In The God Zone - Part 4" - Pastor Brad Smith - 5/7/20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl4JD6w9-rU&t=12s Session 5 - "Foundations for Freedom" - Pastor Dean - 5/11/20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZYLlMMqTxs&feature=youtu.be Session 6 - "Ripples from My Generations" - Pastor Dean - 5/14/20 Session 7 - "Soul Ties & Accusation" - Pastor Brad & Pastor Dean - 5/18/20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4gLovzASNQ Session 8 - "Bitterness & Forgiveness" - Pastor Brad - 5/21/20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs1x1wrvi4M&t=2s Session 9 - "Shame, Depression & Suicide" - Pastor Brad - 5/28/20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4gLovzASNQ Session 10 - "Fear Stress & Anxiety" - Pastor Dean - 6/1/20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbTkCj_WHq4 Session 11 - "Trauma, Broken Hearts & Self-Pity" - Pastor Dean - 6/4/20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4gLovzASNQ Session 12 - "Rejection & Abandonment" - Pastor Brad - 6/8/20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rip9-hevnTg&t=30s Session 13 - "Divination & Witchcraft" - Pastor Brad - 6/11/20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo_9rC1Eu1U&t=10s Session 14 - "Jealousy & Envy" - Pastor Dean - 6/15/20 https://youtu.be/w25O6ShxcuQ |
Resource Downloads
Session 1-4 - "Living In The God Zone" Notebook (available soon) Session 3 Handouts: God Zone/DEN Handout - deadlyemotionalneighborhoodhhandout2.pdf Session 5 Handouts: Results of the Fall Handout - resultsoffallgen3-1.pdf Who Is The Enemy? Handout - whoistheenemywhoisnot-1.pdf Father Nurture Chart Handout - fathernurturesmall2color.pdf |
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