Articles, Videos & Other Resources
From time to time we'll come across a particular article or resource that we find compelling and would like to recommend. Some are in the form of links to articles and others will be downloadable in text or Adobe Reader (.pdf) formats. Keep checking back as we'll add items periodically.
ESV Chronological Bible Reading Plan
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ESV Chronological Reading Plan for 2024
To join us anytime throughout the year, click on "Download File" for a complete list of daily readings through the Bible in chronological order in one year. |
Preparing For The Underground Church by Richard Wurmbrand
Imprisoned and tortured for 14 years under the cold war-era Romanian Communist regime, Pastor Wurmbrand was eventually released and allowed to immigrate to the US in 1964. Here, he and his wife, Sabina, labored hard in behalf of oppressed, tortured and martyred Christians throughout the world. Just a short time before his death in 2001, Mr. Wurmbrand penned this booklet to the American Church, anticipating the day when we would lose our religious civil liberties and be forced to continue church life out of the public square. Fast forward these two decades and one recognizes the clear prophetic understanding of the days that lay ahead for Christians unwilling to compromise. It is strongly suggested reading... to be taken seriously and implemented while the days are still manageable. |
Talking To Tweens About Pornography
Statistics tell us that a significant number of teens first exposure to pornography comes by the age of 11. As hard as that is to hear, ignoring it will only leave our kids more vulnerable when it does happen. This link offers practical help to prevent that first exposure and equipping kids with solid, practical and responsible tools in advance. Give it a look. |
Spiritual Gifts Inventory
Here's a downloadable version of the Spiritual Gifts Inventory we 've been using for several years. It should take about 30 minutes to complete. The answer key is on the last page. Tally up the numbers and see if the Spiritual gifts identified describe you well. If so, it may confirm what you've already been thinking in regard to your part in FCC ministries or it may steer you toward something completely new that the Holy Spirit is prompting you to begin! |
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